Choosing Your Heating Solution With Camino Fires

Selecting the correct heating solution –whether it’s a fireplace, radiator or braai- is a vital aspect of ensuring the enjoyment of many hours of warmth and comfort, in your own home with maximum ease and efficiency.

Camino Fires is an innovative, solution-oriented company that prides itself in providing helpful insights, accurate advice and a wide array of options to assist you in selecting the best fireplace for your needs, plus the assurance of a warranty should you need it after the sale. Each fireplace has a rated nominal heating capacity in Kilowatts (Kw) and an efficiency rating. This information is critical for customers when calculating the area (in m²) that can be heated by a specific fireplace, and the amount of wood they require to heat a room.

It’s important to note that a comparison between different suppliers is often ineffective as each manufacturer has their own specific formula for calculating the size of the area that can be heated. Even when one compares heated volume (in m³) it is not consistent, because there are many formulae that can be used.

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